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  1. Wang, Y., Hu, W., Kang, K., Dong, C., Tang, X., Synaptic Properties of an Interfacial Memristor Based on a Ga2O3/Nb:SrTiO3 Heterojunction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol.15, pp.11182-11188, 31st October 2024.
  2. Wu, Q., Jia, H., Tang, W., Dongale, T.D., Cai, H., Wu, X., Optimization of the Memristor Fabrication Based on Graph Convolutional Network. Physica Scripta, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-11, 30th October 2024.
  3. Zhang, D., Dhall, R., Schneider, M.M., Song, Ch., Dou, H., Kunwar, S., Yazzie, N.R., Ciston, J., Cucciniello, N.G., Roy, P., Pettes, M.T., Watt, J., Kuo, W., Wang, H., McCabe, R.J., Chen, A., In-situ Study of Understanding the Resistive Switching Mechanisms of Nitride-based Memristor Devices. arXiv:2410.23185v1, [physics.app-ph], 30th October 2024.
  4. Gong, G., Zhou, Y., Xiong, Z., Sun, T., Li, H., Li, Q., Zhao, W., Zhang, G., Zhai, Y., Lv, Z., Tan, H., Han, S.-T., An Antagonistic Photovoltaic Memristor for Bioinspired Active Contrast Adaptation. Advanced Materials, Early View, 2409844, pp.1-10, 30th October 2024.
  5. Yu, F., He, T., He, S., Tan, B., Yao, W., Lin, H., Influence of Memristive Activated Gradient on Chaotic Dynamics In Discrete Neural Networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, Under Review, pp.1-47, 30th October 2024.
  6. Ren, Y.-H., Yang, S., Bi, J.-H., Zhang, Y.-X., Accelerating Maximum-Likelihood Detection in Massive MIMO: A New Paradigm With Memristor Crossbar Based In-Memory Computing Circuit. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp.1-6, 29th October 2024.
  7. Ding, Z., Chen, Z., Li, S., Li, Z., Yang, L., Memristor-Based Neural Network Circuit of Full-Function Pavlov Associative Memory With Unconditioned Response Mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp.1-13, 29th October 2024.
  8. Ahmadi, M., Mehta, A., Ahmadi, A., Compact Grounded Memristor Model with Resistorless and Tunability Features. Frontiers in Electronics, vol.5, 28th October 2024.
  9. Pal, P., Kumbhar, D.D., Li, H., Tytov, S., Syed, A.M., El-Atab, N., A VOx based optoelectronic memristor for application in visual perception. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-20, 28th October 2024.
  10. Li, J.Ch., Liu, Z.Ch., Yang, H.X., Ma, Y.X., Wang, Y.L., Dual-modes HfLaOx-based memristor with InSe passivation layer. Applied Surface Science, vol.682, 161630, pp.1-6, 28th October 2024.
  11. Zhang, X., Qin, C., Peng, W., Qin, N., Cheng, E., Wu, J., Fan, Y., Yang, Q., Chen, H., Memristor-based in-situ convolutional strategy for accurate braille recognition. Science China Materials, pp.1-8, 25th October 2024.
  12. Kipelkin, I.M., Gerasimova, S.A., Belov, A.I., Guseinov, D.V., Talanov, M.O., Mikhaylov, A.N., Kazantsev, V.B., Memristor-based model of neuronal excitability and synaptic potentiation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol.18, 25th October 2024.
  13. Lu, J., Ran, H., Xie, D., Zhou, G., Hu, X., A Physical Memristor Model for Pavlovian Associative Memory. Chinese Physics B, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-11, 25th October 2024.
  14. De Pamphilis, L., Ma, S., Dahiya, A.S., Christou, A., Dahiya, R., Site-Selective Nanowire Synthesis and Fabrication of Printed Memristor Arrays with Ultralow Switching Voltages on Flexible Substrate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, pp.1-10, 25th October 2024.
  15. Lu, Z., Zeng, F., Ma, D., Wan, Q., Yu, J., Pan, F., Modulation of Phase-Locking Characteristics of NbOx Memristor by Ag Doping. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, pp.1-10, 25th October 2024.
  16. Adhikari, A., Acosta-Najarro, D.R., Fragoso-Medina, A.J., Alama, T.K.M., Vallejo, O.R., Cano, F.J., Amador. M. de L. O., Novel Modeling Methodology for Memristive Devices for Circuit Design and Simulation. Int. Conf. on El. Eng., Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE24), pp.1-6, 24th October 2024.
  17. Anzo-Hernández, A., Zambrano-Serrano, E., Platas-Garza, M.A., Volos, Ch., Dynamic Analysis and FPGA Implementation of Fractional-Order Hopfield Networks with Memristive Synapse. Fractal and fractional, vol.8, no.11, 628, pp.1-19, 24th October 2024.
  18. Han, C., Wei, Y., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Tong, Y., Exploration of Synaptic Plasticity in Memristor Based Wurtzite Ferroelectric Material. IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT), pp.1-3, 23rd October 2024.
  19. Xie, L., Shen, J., Feng, P., Mifsud, A., Malik, A., Nassibi, A., Manatchinapisit, V., Papavassiliou, Ch., A Data-Driven Stochastic Memristor Model for Integrated Circuit Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, pp.1-14, 23rd October 2024.
  20. Wang, Y., Hua, Ch., Park, PG., Liu, S., Relaxed Stability Criteria for Delayed Memristor-Based Neural Network Systems via a Novel Matrix-Separation Legendre Inequality. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp.1-11, 23rd October 2024.
  21. Wang, T., Zhao, R., Xu, Y., Zhuo, Y., Williams, R.S., Yang, J.J., A Faithful and Compact Diffusive Memristor Model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence, Early Access, pp.1-9, 22nd October 2024.
  22. Mahmoodpoor, A., Marunchenko, A., Makarov, S., All‐Electronic Memristor Based on Charge Carrier Confinement in Bulk Semiconductor of Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Structure. Advanced Electronic Materials, Early View, 2400396, pp.1-13, 22nd October 2024.
  23. Ge, M., Jia, K., Gao, R., Wang, X., Qian, Z., Neural behaviors and energy properties of Memcapacitor FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron model with Miller effect. Nonlinear Dynamics, pp.1-22, 22nd October 2024.
  24. Pan, J., Kan, H., Liu, Z., Gao, S., Wu, E., Li, Y., Zhang, Ch., Flexible TiO2-WO3−x hybrid memristor with enhanced linearity and synaptic plasticity for precise weight tuning in neuromorphic computing. npj Flexible Electronics, vol.8, no.70, pp.1-12, 22nd October 2024.
  25. Sun, J., Cao, Y., Yue, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Yanf., Memristor-Based Long and Short-Term Memory Network Models for Optimal Prediction in the IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access, pp.1-11, 21st October 2024.
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