Time of the last modification database: 2024-11-02 21:28:59
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- Wang, Y., Hu, W., Kang, K., Dong, C., Tang, X., Synaptic Properties of an Interfacial Memristor Based on a Ga2O3/Nb:SrTiO3 Heterojunction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol.15, pp.11182-11188, 31st October 2024.
- Wu, Q., Jia, H., Tang, W., Dongale, T.D., Cai, H., Wu, X., Optimization of the Memristor Fabrication Based on Graph Convolutional Network. Physica Scripta, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-11, 30th October 2024.
- Zhang, D., Dhall, R., Schneider, M.M., Song, Ch., Dou, H., Kunwar, S., Yazzie, N.R., Ciston, J., Cucciniello, N.G., Roy, P., Pettes, M.T., Watt, J., Kuo, W., Wang, H., McCabe, R.J., Chen, A., In-situ Study of Understanding the Resistive Switching Mechanisms of Nitride-based Memristor Devices. arXiv:2410.23185v1, [physics.app-ph], 30th October 2024.
- Gong, G., Zhou, Y., Xiong, Z., Sun, T., Li, H., Li, Q., Zhao, W., Zhang, G., Zhai, Y., Lv, Z., Tan, H., Han, S.-T., An Antagonistic Photovoltaic Memristor for Bioinspired Active Contrast Adaptation. Advanced Materials, Early View, 2409844, pp.1-10, 30th October 2024.
- Yu, F., He, T., He, S., Tan, B., Yao, W., Lin, H., Influence of Memristive Activated Gradient on Chaotic Dynamics In Discrete Neural Networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, Under Review, pp.1-47, 30th October 2024.
- Ren, Y.-H., Yang, S., Bi, J.-H., Zhang, Y.-X., Accelerating Maximum-Likelihood Detection in Massive MIMO: A New Paradigm With Memristor Crossbar Based In-Memory Computing Circuit. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp.1-6, 29th October 2024.
- Ding, Z., Chen, Z., Li, S., Li, Z., Yang, L., Memristor-Based Neural Network Circuit of Full-Function Pavlov Associative Memory With Unconditioned Response Mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp.1-13, 29th October 2024.
- Ahmadi, M., Mehta, A., Ahmadi, A., Compact Grounded Memristor Model with Resistorless and Tunability Features. Frontiers in Electronics, vol.5, 28th October 2024.
- Pal, P., Kumbhar, D.D., Li, H., Tytov, S., Syed, A.M., El-Atab, N., A VOx based optoelectronic memristor for application in visual perception. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-20, 28th October 2024.
- Li, J.Ch., Liu, Z.Ch., Yang, H.X., Ma, Y.X., Wang, Y.L., Dual-modes HfLaOx-based memristor with InSe passivation layer. Applied Surface Science, vol.682, 161630, pp.1-6, 28th October 2024.
- Zhang, X., Qin, C., Peng, W., Qin, N., Cheng, E., Wu, J., Fan, Y., Yang, Q., Chen, H., Memristor-based in-situ convolutional strategy for accurate braille recognition. Science China Materials, pp.1-8, 25th October 2024.
- Kipelkin, I.M., Gerasimova, S.A., Belov, A.I., Guseinov, D.V., Talanov, M.O., Mikhaylov, A.N., Kazantsev, V.B., Memristor-based model of neuronal excitability and synaptic potentiation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol.18, 25th October 2024.
- Lu, J., Ran, H., Xie, D., Zhou, G., Hu, X., A Physical Memristor Model for Pavlovian Associative Memory. Chinese Physics B, Accepted Manuscript, pp.1-11, 25th October 2024.
- De Pamphilis, L., Ma, S., Dahiya, A.S., Christou, A., Dahiya, R., Site-Selective Nanowire Synthesis and Fabrication of Printed Memristor Arrays with Ultralow Switching Voltages on Flexible Substrate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, pp.1-10, 25th October 2024.
- Lu, Z., Zeng, F., Ma, D., Wan, Q., Yu, J., Pan, F., Modulation of Phase-Locking Characteristics of NbOx Memristor by Ag Doping. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, pp.1-10, 25th October 2024.
- Adhikari, A., Acosta-Najarro, D.R., Fragoso-Medina, A.J., Alama, T.K.M., Vallejo, O.R., Cano, F.J., Amador. M. de L. O., Novel Modeling Methodology for Memristive Devices for Circuit Design and Simulation. Int. Conf. on El. Eng., Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE24), pp.1-6, 24th October 2024.
- Anzo-Hernández, A., Zambrano-Serrano, E., Platas-Garza, M.A., Volos, Ch., Dynamic Analysis and FPGA Implementation of Fractional-Order Hopfield Networks with Memristive Synapse. Fractal and fractional, vol.8, no.11, 628, pp.1-19, 24th October 2024.
- Han, C., Wei, Y., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Tong, Y., Exploration of Synaptic Plasticity in Memristor Based Wurtzite Ferroelectric Material. IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT), pp.1-3, 23rd October 2024.
- Xie, L., Shen, J., Feng, P., Mifsud, A., Malik, A., Nassibi, A., Manatchinapisit, V., Papavassiliou, Ch., A Data-Driven Stochastic Memristor Model for Integrated Circuit Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, pp.1-14, 23rd October 2024.
- Wang, Y., Hua, Ch., Park, PG., Liu, S., Relaxed Stability Criteria for Delayed Memristor-Based Neural Network Systems via a Novel Matrix-Separation Legendre Inequality. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp.1-11, 23rd October 2024.
- Wang, T., Zhao, R., Xu, Y., Zhuo, Y., Williams, R.S., Yang, J.J., A Faithful and Compact Diffusive Memristor Model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence, Early Access, pp.1-9, 22nd October 2024.
- Mahmoodpoor, A., Marunchenko, A., Makarov, S., All‐Electronic Memristor Based on Charge Carrier Confinement in Bulk Semiconductor of Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Structure. Advanced Electronic Materials, Early View, 2400396, pp.1-13, 22nd October 2024.
- Ge, M., Jia, K., Gao, R., Wang, X., Qian, Z., Neural behaviors and energy properties of Memcapacitor FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron model with Miller effect. Nonlinear Dynamics, pp.1-22, 22nd October 2024.
- Pan, J., Kan, H., Liu, Z., Gao, S., Wu, E., Li, Y., Zhang, Ch., Flexible TiO2-WO3−x hybrid memristor with enhanced linearity and synaptic plasticity for precise weight tuning in neuromorphic computing. npj Flexible Electronics, vol.8, no.70, pp.1-12, 22nd October 2024.
- Sun, J., Cao, Y., Yue, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Yanf., Memristor-Based Long and Short-Term Memory Network Models for Optimal Prediction in the IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access, pp.1-11, 21st October 2024.